“Cadmus gave me a focal point to engage students. This meant that I could prompt and guide students better.”

Loretta Smith

Queensland University of Technology
An illustration of a woman holding a pencil. She's sitting back, leaning on her laptop. It doesn't look comfortable, but she looks satisfied knowing she can track student engagement in her class through Cadmus.

Why did you choose Cadmus?

I wanted to get students engaged. I aim to help students develop their academic skills, so they are successful at university. If students don't engage, it's a struggle. This is especially challenging with lower-achieving students.

Cadmus gave me a focal point to engage students. This meant I could prompt and guide students better.

How did you use Cadmus?

Before Cadmus, I would put the assessment task on the LMS. I would tell students to take notes in class. Students would never make notes, and when they needed their material, they could never find it.

With Cadmus, I was able to put everything in one place. I tell students to open Cadmus in lecturers and tutorials, providing a focal point that helps me keep my students on track.

How did your students respond?

They absolutely loved it! Everything is one place, so they don't have to go "click, click" to get what they need. It's just so easy — the instructions are on the left, the notes and checklists just next to them, and the submission on the right. My students seem to have a clearer understanding of what's expected of them and how to do better.

How did your teaching change?

The major change I've had is that I now have a point of reference during tutorials and lectures. I tell students to use Cadmus for note-taking, and to do their assignment. This makes it exceptionally easy to see how students are progressing and show them how to improve.

I also have 13 tutors who love it because it saves automatically, and they can quickly see how the students are progressing. This is very powerful alongside the Learning Analytics, which shows us what resources students use. Ultimately, Cadmus enables me to focus on something that benefits students.

Would you recommend Cadmus to a colleague?

Yes, I'd recommend it to everybody! The best thing about Cadmus was that it taught students to focus on their assessment and put learning in their hands. This has allowed me to have a closer relationship with my students — they seem happier, and it's made my job better.

A sketchy illustration of a person. They could be a student of the class

1st year

A sketchy illustration of a graduation hat

Pathway College

A sketchy illustration of a paper document. Fortunately, Cadmus assignments are all submitted online. Think of all the trees we'll save

Annotated Bibliography

93.8 %
reduction in academic misconduct investigations

92.0 %
increase in cohort engagement

88.2 %
of students rated their experience as good to excellent

Hear about new ways teachers are using Cadmus

An illustration of a person with a large lightbulb for a head. There is a tap connected to the lightbulb, which is dripping water onto a growing plant. It sounds weird, I know.